With a few exceptions it is probably fair to say that nobody thinks that fences are beautiful and they are definitely not cheap. So why do we put up fences? The reason is that we want to increase the amount of woodland cover on Knoydart and here’s why:
To make this happen due to the density of deer on the ground and the lack of tree seed source we have to put up temporary fencing and plant trees. When the woodland is resilient enough the fences can be removed dependent on the deer density levels. The relationship between trees and deer is dynamic – in the long term the increase in woodland cover make a better habitat for deer but only if a balance being achieved between the impact of deer on the land and how resilience of the woodland. Deer management in Scotland is under review with the negative impacts of inappropriate deer numbers being recognised. The West Knoydart Deer Management Group is working with neighbouring landowners to balance multiple land management objectives with the Scottish Government policy of “public interest” in relation to deer management. Timescale in forestry terms is very different to that of us humans. Much of the benefit of the woodland creation and regeneration happening now will not be seen until outwith, at least some of, our lifetimes. KFT look forward to a day when woodland regeneration and creation can happen without temporary fencing, however that day is not here yet. We believe that the long term benefits achieved by creating more woodland far outweigh the short term disadvantages of temporary fencing. We work hard to carefully design new woodlands to minimise the impact of fences on the landscape and access. By improving visitor and local information we think that rather than being put off by temporary fencing that visitors, and hopefully the majority of the community, will value and support the reasons for them being there and the long term benefits that they will bring.
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August 2022